I was looking for some cheap orange filament for a small project and I’d seen Real Filament crop up a few times on amazon searches.
It stands out because a whole KG for £18.39 is a bit of a bargain, and Real Make many claims about their quality and manufacturing processes.
This filament comes on a nice thin spool and appears wound well. It comes from Holland (where so much filament seems to be produced) and overall the packaging is great. Boxed, wrapped and well wound for cheap.
I was kind of surprised that the filament was so transparent, it had PETG qualities but nonetheless I gave it a try.
Printing one of my test planters at the standard 205 degrees it printed very well.
The transparency was a little off-putting as I could see the interior wall structures, and having known I may have added a few extra walls but once done it actually looked great.
Good bed adhesion, stable printing and a nice uniform finish.
This filament is cheap, strong and has a unique finish. If you have a project that needs that PET G finish but not the hassle of heat qualities then this is a great one to have in your arsenal.
You can buy this filament direct from Amazon by clicking here.